Let's work together to help you achieve success by providing Quality Customer Service techniques that can be practiced in ANY field of servicing. Techniques that will also help you develop peaceful energy, time management, work-life balance and so much more!

If you help or work with anyone representing yourself or brand as Entrepreneur or Corporation. you provide Customer Service, and this course is for you!!

"My goal is to help people create a healthy balance of their energy and service quality. Where they feel equipped, confident and motivated to provide outstanding Servicing"

- Nisha Goff

Through quality servicing you can build relationships with clients, increase clientele, profit and achieve job objectives.

Customer Service is practiced in nearly all forms of business. Retail, Hospitality, Telecommunication, Teaching and Transportation. To list a few, Its key in all business and customer relations.

What impression are you leaving behind? How do you make people feel? You're responsible for the energy you put out. The way you interact with people matters.

Hi, I’m Nisha! Welcome!!

I have been in a Career of Servicing for nearly two Decades! I have provided Customer Service through many roles. I've worked in Retail in Department Stores, Grocery and Fast food at one point, to my latest and current field of Insurance for one of America's Top Leading Companies where I've serviced. thousands of people around the U.S. Servicing is my passion and purpose. I take pride in helping others gain clarity, navigate through circumstances and overcome obstacles, together. I have built relationships with clients, increased revenue and supported as a point of resource for my Teams by providing coaching to others. As well as received numerous accolades such as bonuses, customer compliments, company wide recognition and promotions.

In every field my goal remained the same. How can i provide my client or customer? With a memorable, quality experience that meets their needs, and increase value.

In my perfect world, these practices would be used across all fields that provide servicing. Creating a new standard of quality while increasing your own peace and balance.

Why Keys to Achieve: Customer Service Course is for you!

Do you want to better your quality of servicing? Would you like to be more impressionable? Have you started a new business and want to feel more confident servicing it? Are you introverted or shy? Look no further, this course is for you!

Learn to communicate effectively and overcome objections.

Leverage your business interactions.

Increase your Motivation.

Become more impressionable.

Establish a Work- Life Balance.

Learn healthy habits to manage stress and develop yourself positively so that you can grow to new levels of success and so much more!

It's been said that "You can't pour from an empty cup" You're the cup! Unique, talented and gifted. It's imperative that we develop ourselves, energy and communication. Love ourselves and believe in ourselves.

Fill your cup!!